Friday, 5 August 2011

Mocha sherbet ice cream, not the egalitarian ...

... option as an ice-cream maker is needed, however, it is delicious.

560ml strongly brewed coffee or espresso
150g sugar
50g unsweetened cocoa powder
Pinch of salt
180ml whole milk
1 Whisk together the coffee, sugar, cocoa powder and salt in a large saucepan. Bring the mixture to the boil and allow it to boil for 30 seconds, whisking constantly. Remove from the heat and stir in the milk.
2 Chill the mixture thoroughly, then freeze it in your ice-cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Top with whipped cream.
... and you get an indulgent 1 litre, to share or otherwise.

Thanks to Lara Hata.


  1. Recipe for 'Unionist Mess', aka 'Unionist Fool.'

    Ingredients: Sour grapes, bad apples & rotten eggs.

    Stir with a large wooden spoon & leave to stew until the sun sets on the British Empire, i.e. when Wales becomes independent.

    Serve as an accompaniment to Humble Pie.

  2. You shouldn't hide behind anonymity, let people know your identity, every office needs a buffoon, even a buffoon of the "separatist agenda".

  3. I'm hiding in the same place as your 'sense of humour'.

    Anon y mous
